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est. 05/03/14

Friday, January 1, 2016


Welcome to Giant COCs. 
So much to say, but not nearly motivated enough to type it. Below are the things you need to know. 

UPDATED 5/13/15

Most common rules regarding clan: Bold means it is REALLY IMPORTANT!!!

DOWNLOAD APP "BINDLE" This is where we can share war layouts from opponents clan or communicate outside of the game to send reminders for people who haven't attacked or who might have a troop we need as a donation. Once you sign up for an account search for clan chat via #Giantcocs

  1. Read the entire post, it takes 3 minutes at most. Also if viewing from a mobile device, Chrome is the best browser to use so all links and pages display. Safari doesn't work well with Blogger. There is also a blogger app if you like instead. Links in Yellow mean you haven't clicked on them before, if they are red you have.
  2. Donate often and be active member. 
  4. DONATE WHAT IS REQUESTED. If nothing is mentioned or a long time has passed since request was made, DEFAULT TROOP IS ARCHERS LEVEL 5+. 
  5. Never request donations of troops you cannot yourself deliver unless for war or if someone is offering.  
  7. Lastly, BE LOYAL, if you leave, unlikely we will let you back in. If you need to leave clan for a reason acceptable to leaders, just let them know ahead of time so we know to let you back in when you request. 
  1. Make sure your Clan Castle is well protected in base and as centered as possible for Clan Wars Layout. NO TROLL BASES, people forget to change them back before war starts. It doesn't help and can only hurt us if you forget to change it back. 
  2. Use both attacks in clan wars, or you will be eventually removed from the clan.
  3. NEW PEOPLE: We now have a feeder clan called GOBLIN COCs. When you first join you will either be directed to the feeder or allowed to show abilities in the main clan. You get one war to prove you should remain in main clan, or will be demoted to feeder to improve attacking approach. If you fail it is on you but we will try to help you improve and hopefully you realize this is a great clan to be apart of and going to feeder for some wars isn't the worse thing in the world, but an opportunity to become better. 
  4. Attack for stars on your first attack, and attack someone similar base ranking as you, if you are not sure if it is OK who you want to attack....ASK ANY OF THE LEADERS BEFORE YOU ATTACK.
  5. Never TH SNIPE on Clan Wars unless given the green light by a leader. GREEN LIGHT ONLY MEANS USE SECOND ATTACK FOR EASY LOOT. FIRST ATTACK IS ALWAYS FOR STARS.
  6. Without anyone asking you tell me the name of your favorite band or musical artist is in following format. "Russell, my fav band (or artist) is (insert band or artist)"
  7. Typically we want you to hold off on your second attack rather then rush into it. This will allow us to know if we have win secured and you can just go for "easy loot"
TH 10: 1-2 Max Witches/1 Max Dragon/2-3 Max Wizards/Max Barbs/Archers/Minions
TH 9: 1 Max Witch/Max Dragon/2-3Max Wizards/1-2 Max Balloons/1 Max Valk/ Max Barbs/Archers/Minions
TH 8: 1 Max Witch or Max Valk/Max Dragon/2-3 Max Wizards/1 Max Balloons/ Max Barbs/Archers/Minions

In regards to clan wars, our belief is if everyone gets 3 stars on their first attack, that can leave their second attack for easy loot. Usually there is one base in the top 15 that has their TH out of walls or at least easy access to it. As long as you one star a base, regardless if it has already been 3 starred, you get the war loot bonus. This allows wars to not only be fun for domination but profitable as well. 


If you do not know how many of these to make, go to you tube and search for it or ask a CO. 

TH 9: GoHoWiWi
TH 9: LaBaMi (2-3 Level 2+ Lava Hounds, 20-24 Max Balloons, Rest Level 4+ Minions)
TH 9: GoWiPE with 1-2 balloons for CC
TH 9: GoWiWi with 1-2 balloons for CC
TH 8: Dragons (8 Level 3) and Hogs (8 Level 3+ plus hogs in CC)
TH 8: Dragons and Balloons (4 balloons plus max balloons in CC)
TH 8: Level 4 Hogs 25-30 with some Wiz or Archers to handle opponents CC


There are a few people who are allowed to attack the top bases of their own Town Hall level but for new people and members who are not our top level attackers, I like to see a bottom up approach for three stars. If you feel the bottom of your equal TH level is a little too easy, then go up but make sure you are attacking someone you can three star. If you are unsure about this, ask a C.O or myself. So if you are number 14 on our map, a TH8 and and/unsure of your attacking abilities and our opponents lowest level TH8 is their number 19 on the map, that is fine to attack it. We have members who might rank lower on map who can always get three stars on their equal TH level, and they can teach/show you how.  


So we now have a feeder clan called Goblin COCs. If you are not doing well in wars in the main clan, you will be relegated to the feeder. If you are doing well and we need someone from feeder, you are welcome to join main clan. Main clan will only have TH7s with dragons level 2+ going forward. People making the transition from TH level will be recommended to move to feeder until they get the required troops for their TH, which I outline below. 

TH7 Minimum Troops for Main Clan: Dragons 2
TH8 Minimum Troops for Main Clan: Dragons 3 (Hogs 3+ would be also a huge plus)
TH9 Minimum Troops for Main Clan: Either Max Balloons with Lava Hounds or Golems 3+ with Wizards 5+ and Max Hogs
TH10 Minimum Troops for Main Clan: Either combo of Max Balloons and Lava Hounds 2+ (perk if level 2+ freeze spell) or Golems 4+ with Max Wizards and Pekka 4+ (TH10s must also have both infernos available for war defenses)

If you are asked to go to the feeder, don't take it personal...realize we still want to keep you as a member but we have other members to think about and our number one focus is always going to be winning wars. People who decide that isn't for them, well we aren't the clan for them then!

Simple huh?

Please let me know that you read this in global chat or once you download line. If you answered the question in the list, I will know you actually read the whole thing...or I will assume you had LOL.

I prefer you reply here, but some have issues replying to blog, usually iPhone users using Safari browser. If you download the Chrome Browser App, you will be able to post. When posting please leave your screen name in clash of clans so I know who you are.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

War Donations and Attacks (Schedule, knowing what to put/request, etc)

With a much larger clan, the donating of troops, especially D.E. troops can be very taxing as everyone is still upgrading something and not completely max at the moment. So we are going to be having a war donation schedule, see below to see what you will be responsible for. If you would like to do more, great, but regardless you need to do the bare minimum unless someone beats you to it.

Secondly, I believe the saying goes, all is fair in love and war. So with that being said, we are going to try to implement a war spy to go into our opponents clan and see what types of attacks they use for war. If they primarily use hogs, we might want valks and witches. If they do lava hounds and balloons only, we might want to put a lava hound or a max dragon as that will completely fuck up their strategy. Even if our opponent using x-mod, they will be forced to do something they aren't use to and will give us an extra advantage.

I or a CO will be sending out a clan message at some point within the first 16 hours of war prep to let people know if they should be doing AIR troops or Ground troops, and for what level of TH. Obviously, a clan with max balloons and hounds at the top might use Hounds and Balloons attacks, but their TH9s and lower might be GOWIPE so we don't need dragons in the lower CCs. Everyone not only needs to allow for the best troops to be donated, but needs to now wait for what type of defense will be utilize in war. Also if we state a clan is an AIR clan, we should point x-bows up. If they are GROUND, x-bows down...makes sense right?

As far as attacks are concerned, we need our top attackers hitting the top bases of their same TH level, and everyone else working from the bottom up. Obviously, if the lowest level TH on the map that is your equivalent is too easy and you can go up a bit, that is fine. Use smart judgement, but the following people should have the top bases reserved for them for the foreseeable future at the TH9/8 levels.

Below are the troops that should be given depending on the war strategy

Air: Dragon 3+, Max Lava Hounds , Minions 5+
Ground: Max Valks, Max Witches, Wizards 5+, Max Balloon (1), Minions 5+ (up to 2) Rest Level 6+ Archers or Barbs 

One last thing, people need to be in wars or go to feeder to opt out. To get as much XP as we can, we need to keep having larger wars. I can have a few people opt out 1 or 2 wars in a row, but we can't have more than 5 people always opting out all at once. This forces us to add new people and those add extra unknowns. We only have so many 3 star attackers at each level that can make up for members still learning and improving. Be a team player, and just go to feeder, we will always make room if need be for your eventual return.

I feel this is pretty straight forward, but if anyone is confused, just ask....but do not ask why, just know this is all going to help us continue winning wars which will allow us to continue leveling up.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Sample War Base Layouts from No MoFoe's

Below are some quality war base layouts that no mofos had that worked might want to try these out if you keep getting three starred

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


So I am seeing a bunch of people make one of a few mistakes:

1. Attacking someone too strong for them
2. Attacking someone way to weak for them
3. Bringing in a raiding army or too many different types of troops and not getting 2-3 stars on first attack.

First off, if everyone gets a minimum of two stars on first attack, we will win each war. So that is the most important fact. Secondly, come strong on first attack, then your second attack can be 10 archers for a TH snipe, or 200 archers and go for 50% and make a good loot profit. Then the war is fun because we won, and profitable at the same time.

Some basic rules of thumb, draw out the CC troops, you might need to use 1-2 hogs in order to do this depending on where the CC is located. Two, if you bring lighting spells into an attack, center those CC troops over what you plan on lighting by places archers or barbarians one at a time in ways to make the CC troops go towards it. Here is a terribly produced video showing what I mean...

Now something I noticed on some of the lower peoples are not placing your giants properly, you are dropping them all in one place, then WBs right behind it and mortars are killing WBs before you get through wall. Drop 1 Giant somewhere to have defenses focus on it, then drop another giant a little different....then you drop your wbs to open a hole, somewhere between those two giants. You want to maximize your troops and their advantages in each battle.

This Patrick guy for PlayClashofClans is great at showing tactics and his videos are high quality. His youtube channel is in the links section of this blog.

Army creation is another important factor. It makes no sense to bring 10 Giants 7 WBs 40 Archers 4 Wiz 3 Dragos and 20 barbarians...That army is all over the place. If you see a base has two air defenses or they have 3 weak ones, Dragon attack is the way to go. With 200 army camp space, you should go with maybe Hogs in CC, 2-3 more to make sure you get on Air D taken care of 8 Dragons minimum maybe 9 and the rest archers. Thats it....Archers shouldnt even be dropped unless you need to handle CC or as clean up behind the dragons, obviously makes no sense to drop when defenses can attack them. Now if you have a Barbarian King with level 5+, instead of 20 archers, go 20 Barbarians to take advantage of that Iron Fist free boost.

At the end of the day its all about thinking and attacking wisely. If you want to master dragon youtube videos on Dragon attacks. If you want to master Hog videos on that so on and so forth. Gabe and myself can't walk everyone through each war attack, we don't have the time nor the patients. Hopefully this will be some sort of help to you in regards to your attacks in wars.

Monday, May 26, 2014


For those who didn't download chrome, and are using a mobile phone....usually issues with iPhones to.... to view blog, you might not see the links/pages that are on the right of the blog. I posted those below for easier access.