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Clash Header
est. 05/03/14

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


So I am seeing a bunch of people make one of a few mistakes:

1. Attacking someone too strong for them
2. Attacking someone way to weak for them
3. Bringing in a raiding army or too many different types of troops and not getting 2-3 stars on first attack.

First off, if everyone gets a minimum of two stars on first attack, we will win each war. So that is the most important fact. Secondly, come strong on first attack, then your second attack can be 10 archers for a TH snipe, or 200 archers and go for 50% and make a good loot profit. Then the war is fun because we won, and profitable at the same time.

Some basic rules of thumb, draw out the CC troops, you might need to use 1-2 hogs in order to do this depending on where the CC is located. Two, if you bring lighting spells into an attack, center those CC troops over what you plan on lighting by places archers or barbarians one at a time in ways to make the CC troops go towards it. Here is a terribly produced video showing what I mean...

Now something I noticed on some of the lower peoples are not placing your giants properly, you are dropping them all in one place, then WBs right behind it and mortars are killing WBs before you get through wall. Drop 1 Giant somewhere to have defenses focus on it, then drop another giant a little different....then you drop your wbs to open a hole, somewhere between those two giants. You want to maximize your troops and their advantages in each battle.

This Patrick guy for PlayClashofClans is great at showing tactics and his videos are high quality. His youtube channel is in the links section of this blog.

Army creation is another important factor. It makes no sense to bring 10 Giants 7 WBs 40 Archers 4 Wiz 3 Dragos and 20 barbarians...That army is all over the place. If you see a base has two air defenses or they have 3 weak ones, Dragon attack is the way to go. With 200 army camp space, you should go with maybe Hogs in CC, 2-3 more to make sure you get on Air D taken care of 8 Dragons minimum maybe 9 and the rest archers. Thats it....Archers shouldnt even be dropped unless you need to handle CC or as clean up behind the dragons, obviously makes no sense to drop when defenses can attack them. Now if you have a Barbarian King with level 5+, instead of 20 archers, go 20 Barbarians to take advantage of that Iron Fist free boost.

At the end of the day its all about thinking and attacking wisely. If you want to master dragon youtube videos on Dragon attacks. If you want to master Hog videos on that so on and so forth. Gabe and myself can't walk everyone through each war attack, we don't have the time nor the patients. Hopefully this will be some sort of help to you in regards to your attacks in wars.

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