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est. 05/03/14

CLAN WARS TIPS AND INFO PAGE (Last Update: 5/24/14)

With our first clan wars match up coming to an end, there are a few things we have learned and I wanted to start compiling a list of what we should look for, attempt and plan for the future battles that lie ahead.

  1. I think it is clear, but the first rule has to be to get your clan castle and town hall inside and protected before preparation day ends. 
  2. The Default Troops to donate to a War Castle is LEVEL 5 or 6 Archers.
  3. Bottom bases on Opponents War Map are reserved for bottom bases on Our War Map.
  4. Do not automatically attack your recommended opponent. Find someone 1 or 2 higher or lower than you, unless it is one of the bottom 3 bases on war map.
  5. Don't rush into your battles too quickly. Take time to scout your opponent. Ask Russell or Gabe what troops are in a CC, we have iMod and can sim attacks on bases. Always carry a full CC and Spells into War....this should all be pretty common sense.
  6. ALL must post who they plan on attacking in clan chat prior to attacking in clan chat. Give it a min to sink in and if no one says don't or so and so is taking them, you can proceed. Usually someone will ask what troops or spells you plan on using so its nice if you answer especially if you are not known for amazing attack plans. 
  7. If you want to claim a base you plan on attacking for war, you need to download an app called LINE. It is a chatting/messaging app and always us to have a group chat and post a note where everyone can comment on who they plan on attacking. Then you can chat in either clan chat or in the line app regarding how to attack an enemy if you want some suggestions.

Some War Tips:

Draw out the enemies Clan Castle, if you do not know how to do this go to video page for a demonstration.

Scout then plan army, then scout again. I usually look at a base a few times before I attack it. If I see someone else has attacked it already and failed, I see where the traps are and see what would be the best approach.

I think the best way to approach clan wars is to make sure you two or three star your first opponent. If we averaged a 2.5 stars on everyone's attack, we would have about 80% of total possibly stars and that would be more than enough for the win. Sometimes there is a base towards the top that has high loot reward and the town hall outside the walls. I know it would feel great to one star it, but don't have that be your first attack....first off, anyone really could one star it so you are not doing the clan a favor. Secondly, we need to win the war for the loot bonus to pay out fully.

War loot stored in the Clan Castle can be raided but only about 5% is available, so its smarter to keep it there if you are not going to spend it right away. That being said, usually two wars worth of loot cannot be stored in the clan castle so make sure to collect it before a second ward ends, otherwise that excess loot is lost in space....

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