Clash Header

Clash Header
est. 05/03/14

BLOCKED FORMER MEMBERS (Last Updated: 2/1/2015)

I will update the list when we kick people out for either terrible donations or they leave us high and dry for no fucking reason.

If for some reason you need to leave the clan, give a heads up and when you request to rejoin, put a personal message that makes sense for you to come back in.

  1. rockster...never let this guy in.
  2. Maxie Man
  3. hellCarrier 
  4. iBe RECKLES
  5. THOTH 
  6. kivork
  7. oliver
  8. Jermey Mayer
  9. Alice Toby
  10. Nathan (Level 44 on 5/19/2014
  11. Benista
  12. ruben 123 :)
  13. steppingsilver
  14. Anyone named Ryan or Brende
  15. Wes Cahon, or Wes...aka 

  16. Andrew #YUYJVY
  18. Airforce #R0JUC2GV

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